Living (and writing about) the Law of Attraction!

About the author

Jeane Watier…

Life is Good!!

I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with my husband and children (okay, so they’re not ‘children’ anymore, and only one lives at home. I’m still adjusting to this ‘empty nest’ phase of life)  I’ve been studying the principles of  LAW OF ATTRACTION for many years, particularly the teachings of Abraham-Hicks. When I listened to a CD from a friend all those years ago, I thought it was fascinating, but I had no idea just how it would transform my life.

I’m no stranger to the emotional issues I write about. I suffered with depression for over fifteen years. It was my desire for well-being that led me to learn and apply the principles of Law of Attraction that changed my life and brought me the joy I now experience.

I was inspired one day to share what I had learned in the form of a novel. I’ve always been an avid reader and especially love a good romance novel. Writing one, however, had never crossed my mind. The process turned out to be a truly magical experience as it flowed out through my fingers and onto the computer screen almost faster than I could keep up. Four months later, I held in my hands a finished manuscript that to this day still amazes me.

Needless to say, the process didn’t end there. I knew that there was more to write and soon began book two, followed by book three of a trilogy. After much tweaking, formatting and reformatting, the trilogy is now complete and the thrill of accomplishment great. But I’ve only just begun. My fourth book was published in Feb 2012 and in June won an international book award.

I’m hooked now, completely addicted. Writing has become my passion as well as the most amazing source of joy and connection to my Inner Being that I have ever experienced!


Comments on: "About the author" (2)

  1. I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger award. 🙂

  2. Sharon Montgomery said:

    Nice blog! I love your picture too. It shows this beautiful place we live. Keep me in touch. I’ll add this link to my blogroll too. Yeay!

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