Living (and writing about) the Law of Attraction!

The word JOURNEY can be defined in different ways:

  1. Our ongoing experience as eternal spiritual beings
  2. Our life here in the physical
  3. The path from where we are to where we want to be on any given subject

If we look at the third option, we can break down the word even further:

  1. Action journey―the physical things we do to get from point A to point B, our goal being to achieve results (Abraham would call that filling in the grid)
  2. Emotional or vibrational journey―a deliberate change in thinking about an object of desire that allows us to feel good even though the desire has yet to manifest

Obviously the emotional journey is the one we want to take and yet it can seem a bit daunting. I’ve spent a lot of time over the years “working” on my emotional journeys. Part of me knows it shouldn’t be hard work. Determination, yes. Practice, definitely. Yet deep down, I believe it was never meant to be difficult and the journey shouldn’t have to be a long one. 

I got some clarity this week. I realized that there are two ways (in my mind) to look at the emotional journey:

  1. Moving from the vibration of not having what we want, to the vibration of having what we want (Abraham teaches that we have to get to the feeling place of our desire before it can manifest)
  2. Changing our view from our limited “what is” perspective to Source’s all-knowing perspective

The second option is a much shorter journey!

Why? Because though our focus is still on the object of our desire, the manifestation is taken out of the equation. And while there’s nothing wrong with manifestation, it’s meant to serve as evidence of our alignment, not be the reason for it. That’s where we so often get tripped up. REMEMBER: If you’re seeking the manifestation to shore up your worthiness, produce your alignment, or validate your beliefs, you have it backwards! The journey is not to the manifestation, it’s to the alignment!

So let’s redefine the journey, leaving manifestation out of the equation:

I WANT TO MOVE FROM MY VIEW AND OPINION (on any given subject) TO SOURCE’S VIEW AND OPINION (on the same subject) thereby producing alignment (aka JOY)

Abraham says whenever we have negative emotion it always, only means one thing: I’m choosing to think about a situation differently than my Source does. It’s that momentary separation between ME and ME that’s causing my emotional discomfort. Therefore, we need to ask, “What does Source think?” If we can pinpoint what we’re thinking and how we’re feeling about a subject and then ask this question, it gives us the coordinates of our journey.

Having asked the question, I’ve discovered that there are some very basic things that Source thinks about me and my desire (whatever it may be):

  1. MY DESIRE IS IMPORTANT (as I sift through contrast, come to conclusions about what I want, and birth a desire, I cause the Universe to expand)
  2. SOURCE IS IN COMPLETE AGREEMENT WITH MY DESIRE (not only has Source expanded because of my desire, it has become one with it)
  3. SOURCE REMAINS FOCUSED ON MY DESIRE – EVEN THOUGH I DON’T (This continuous focus is what causes the components necessary for the actualization of my desire to assemble)
  4. SOURCE DEEMS ME WORTHY OF ITS UNWAVERING ATTENTION AND FULL COOPERATION (Source knows that I am an essential player in this co-creative endeavor)
  5. SOURCE ADORES ME (and is thrilled to play a part in the fulfillment of my desire)

It doesn’t matter what our desires are, these truths apply. As we begin our journey to alignment, we need to let go of lack, unworthiness, impatience―whatever’s causing us to feel bad―and allow ourselves to resonate with the VIEW AND OPINION OF SOURCE. 

For me, all the truths resonate, but the last one is particularly powerful. SOURCE ADORES ME! And when I come to the place of adoring ME, then I’m in alignment and my journey (for the moment) is complete. 








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