Living (and writing about) the Law of Attraction!

I woke up with clarity this morning (I love it when that happens!) about the evolution of my emotional condition. I got a detailed overview of the various stages through which I’ve progressed.

For the first few decades of my life, my emotions seemed to be completely and totally tied to conditions—whatever was going on around me—and I was hardly aware of the correlation. Even if I made the connection in my mind, I felt powerless to do anything about it. Something would happen in my world and I’d have an emotional response. PERIOD.

Then came enlightenment. For me it began about 15 years ago. But it was my introduction to Abraham-Hicks in 2004 that really kick-started my transformation. I learned that I had the ability to control my emotions (i.e. feel good on purpose.) That understanding transformed my life, taking me from depression to an overall state of happiness most of the time. It was a process, though; it certainly didn’t happen overnight.

As I realized I could decide how I wanted to feel—by continually choosing thoughts that felt better—my work became establishing/ controlling/ maintaining my emotional well-being.

HOWEVER… I can see now that I was still observing conditions, having emotional responses, and then dealing with them.

As I became aware of my changed vibration/ emotion, I would do the work—that is, apply the processes I was learning from Abraham and bring myself back to the joy which was becoming my set-point. NOTE: at the beginning this took weeks or even months. Over time, I could do it in days or hours if not minutes. Nevertheless, I was becoming a deliberate creator and excited about it!!

But what I had yet to learn is that the creation process is much more than just responding to conditions.

I understand now (Thank you, Abraham!!) that my emotions—how I choose to feel in the moment—can be utterly free of conditions. I can select, conjure, and enjoy the preferred feeling regardless of what’s going on around me. This, too, has been a process. I’ve been practicing for months now. It’s so liberating!

Conditions are still an important part of the play that I’m in, but they’re just the props, the background music, and the supporting actors. Emotions take center stage. In fact, they set the stage—determine which props are needed, pick the background music that matches the scene, and call on the appropriate actors to support my play.

THE EMOTIONS DETERMINE THE CONDITIONS—not the other way around!! (It’s always been that way I just couldn’t see it.)

I’ve become quite good at conjuring emotions (my last blog touched on that, and I’ll probably have more to offer about it in the coming weeks.) For now, I’ll just say its exciting, empowering, addictive, and just plain FUN!!

Where I’ll go from here in my emotional evolution, I don’t know. I certainly haven’t “arrived” (we never do.) However, I’m content to play with this new understanding for a while and look eagerly forward to the next aha!

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